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What Policies Can I Petition?

Students have the right to submit an administrative petition to request an exception to the following institutional academic policies:


Exception to institutional requirements for minimum credit hours:

  • Total credits: Student must be no more than 0.33 credits short of the requirement
  • Upper division credits: Student must be no more than 2 credits short of the requirement; must have a letter of support from department chair that confirms the student has met all other degree requirements and shown sufficient rigor to earn degree

Exception to institutional policy, including:

  • Backdating of degree: Student must have completed all degree requirements in the past but were not awarded their degree due to non-academic issues such as a financial/repayment hold or university error
  • Degree posting deadline: Student must have experienced 45-day deadline for resolution of graduation application
Click for Graduation Petition Information

PPM 4-1 Graduation Standards

Records & Registration

Amendment to student enrollment record, including:

  • Addition, cancellation, or withdrawal from courses: Please see Qualifying Circumstances page for more information
  • Change from credit/no credit or audit status: Student must demonstrate a changed program of study that now requires a letter grade for the course in question
  • Course repeat limits for internships/cooperative work experience: Student must have evidence of misadvisement and letter of support from department chair
  • Completion of General Education core requirement for students impacted by USHE's December 2024 minimum grade change policy
Click for Graduation Petition Information

PPM 4-19 Grading Policies


What Policies are Not Part of this Petition Process?

General Education Exceptions

To request an exception to a General Education requirement, please contact the relevant person on the General Education Requirement Contact List. General Education requirements are overseen by the relevant academic colleges and departments in a separate petition process.

General Education Requirement Contact List

Degree Requirements

To request an exception to a degree requirement for your major or minor, please contact the relevant academic department. Degree requirements are overseen by academic departments in a separate petition process.

Academic Colleges & Departments

Grade Disputes, Academic Misconduct, and Selective Program Issues

To address academic issues, please see the Academic Issues page. Relevant issues include disputing a final grade, sanctions regarding academic misconduct issues (academic honesty, plagiarism), or decisions regarding selective programs (program admissions, completion, or standing). Academic issues are overseen by academic colleges and departments in a separate petition process.

Academic Issues Information

Other Circumstances

For information regarding appeals for other circumstances not listed here, please visit the University’s Student Petitions, Complaints, & Grievances website.

Student Petitions, Complaints, & Grievances