Revitalize Your Résumé
Dear Community Member,
I recently watched a video — a parody of sorts — featuring footage from a variety of nationwide, big-brand COVID-19 commercials. All the ads included virtually the same words: “challenging,” “uncertain” and “connected.” In this “unprecedented time” — yes, that was another one — companies rushed to get their messages out and unintentionally created similar templates for their ads. As a result, none of their messages were distinct; they all blended together.
The video got me thinking: Do job seekers do the same with their resumes? Consider yours. Is it filled with educational highlights and technical skills directly related to the career or job you want? Great. But so are the resumes of everyone else who wants that career or job. How can you stand out? By identifying your transferable skills and communicating them on your resume.
In this inaugural edition of The Spark — a quarterly newsletter about professional development and the workforce — we will help you define the traits that make you a strong job candidate and then show you how to present those traits to potential employers. Remember, we're always here to help. (Forgive the cliche from the video, but, truly, we are.)
Very sincerely,
Beth Rhoades
WSU Professional Development Director