Weber State Is Ready To Listen At the Northern Utah Employer Exchange (NUEX)

Northern Utah Employer ExchangeWeber State is gearing up for its Northern Utah Employer Exchange (NUEX), which will take place on Oct. 2.

To meet industry needs, we have to know what businesses are looking for — and we are ready to listen. In the fast-paced era we live in, the world of work is changing rapidly. At NUEX, Weber State University plans to give local industry leaders the mic for an opportunity to share the skills they seek in competitive, successful employees.

“We need to work with industry so that students are adequately prepared in college for the workforce,” said James Hedges, dean of the Division of Online & Continuing Education (DOCE). Weber State University will host this event with the intention to better connect businesses and organizations to higher education.

Part of our commitment to listening includes gathering feedback from local businesses and nonprofit leaders. We have created a survey to collect ideas from industry partners. With this survey, we intend to curate events with specific industry needs in mind. Our goal is to ensure that students succeed well beyond graduation. This means we need to understand how we can best prepare students for the workforce based on industry needs.

Share your ideas through our survey to help us take the steps toward making both businesses and students’ lives better. To learn more about NUEX, visit our website.