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Purchasing Card

The Purchasing Card or P-Card is a MasterCard that is designed to provide a more efficient, cost effective method of purchasing and payment for small dollar transactions. The P-Card can be used for in-store purchases as well as mail, internet, telephone and fax orders.



Using a Purchasing Card (P-Card) allows employees to obtain goods and services more efficiently, reduces paperwork and processing time for departments, and provides cost savings through consolidated payments by the Purchasing department.  The P-Card allows the buyer of goods and services to contact vendors directly, including making in-person, telephone, and on-line purchases.  Purchases can be made for most items costing less than $1,500 with merchants that accept MasterCard.  P-Cards are not intended to replace all methods of purchasing, rather to complement the existing purchasing processes.


  • Purchasing Card User's Guide (PDF)
  • Contract employees of Weber State University are eligible to be a cardholder
  • All purchases are for Weber State University business only
  • P-Card must be kept secure.  Lost or stolen cards must be reported immediately to the issuing bank (1-800-316-6056) and to the Purchasing Card Coordinator (801) 626-7113.
  • The P-Card is non-transferrable and cannot be used by anyone other than the cardholder
  • Each transaction must be properly documented
  • Monthly statements must be kept on file for 6 years and signed by the cardholder, supervisor and reconciler.
  • Initial training is done in-person.
  • All P-Cards are subject to annual audits by Internal Audit. 
  • P-Cards cannot be used to purchase items that exceed the single transaction limit or items on the Restricted Items list.
  • P-Cards can be authorized for Purchases Only, Travel Only, or for Purchases AND Travel. Authorization is granted by immediate supervisor.
CARD LIMITS - Standard* limits are established as follows:
  • Purchases - $1,500 per single transaction, $7,000 monthly limit
  • Travel - $7,000 per single transaction, $7,000 monthly limit
  • ATM - Only authorized for foreign and/or group (student) travel and must be pre-approved in writing by the appropriate Vice President.

*Lower limits can be established by direction of employee's supervisor.  Higher limits must be approved by the supervisor and Director of Purchasing.  A written request by the supervisor for higher limits must be submitted to the Purchasing Card Coordinator.


If a cardholder is transferred to a new position within the department or to another department and will be requiring a P-Card, the same card should be used. The Cardholder's Supervisor or his/her designee, must promptly notify the P-Card Coordinator if there are changes to be made (such as cardholder's address, default account, etc.) If transferring to another department, a final audit will need to be completed. Required paperwork (statements for the preceding 12 month period with supporting documentation) must be forwarded to the P-Card Coordinator as soon as possible.

If a cardholder is transferring to a new position within the department, but will not have the same supervisor, and/or will no longer be purchasing items for the university, the card must be retrieved and cancelled.


The P-Card remains the property of the issuing bank and must be surrendered to the Purchasing Office along with required paperwork (statements for the preceding 12 month period with supporting documentation) prior to termination.

The cardholder should contact the Purchasing Card Coordinator (x7113) or Assistant (x6011), at least five (5) working days prior to termination to schedule an appointment to complete the sign-out process.


For any questions regarding the P-Card please contact the Purchasing Card Coordinator, Brad Budge:


Tel: (801) 626-7113