Active Learning Classrooms
The design of the Active Learning Classroom (ALC) in Lampros Hall fosters teamwork and student success. The classroom includes pods of five seats, each with a computer, where students can work in small groups. Our ALC also includes a seating area where students can come together for whole-group discussions or lectures.
To schedule the LP-201 ALC for an upcoming semester, fill out the LP-201 Classroom Request Form.
If you would like to learn more about using ALCs, training is available upon request. Faculty can meet with a trainer to learn how to use the classroom software, best practices for teaching in such a room and how to use the layout to maximize student engagement. See the following Video for more information
Active Learning Classrooms are available across campus at:
- LP-201: Lampros Hall/Ogden Campus - contact Rachel Cox-Vineiz (rachelcox@weber.edu)
- EH-408: Elizabeth Hall/Ogden Campus - contact Sandy Thomas (sandrathomas@weber.edu)
This classroom is only schedulable for Foreign Language courses.
- LL-101: College of Science/Ogden Campus - contact Laine Berghout (hlberghout@weber.edu)
Requests for teaching in the classroom are scheduled on a first-come-first-serve through email request only, with preference first given to College of Science courses.
- CAE-146: EAST/CS/Davis Campus - contact Angie Christensen (angelachristensen@weber.
Space availability is limited and requests for classroom use can be made via email.
- LH-054: College of Social & Behavioral Science/Ogden Campus - contact Tracy Hicks (tracyhicks@weber.edu)
CSBS has first priority. The room is equipped with a camera and microphone for Zoom, Meet, recording.
- WB-203: Goddard School of Business/Ogden Campus - contact Mary Ann Boles (mboles@weber.edu)
Preference given first to Goddard School of Business faculty/classes. Seating for 30 - 5 stations/6 seats - with a web camera and mic for Zoom capable meetings.
TY-127: Tracy Hall Science Center/College of Science/Ogden Campus - Contact Colin Inglefield (cinglefield@weber.edu) Scheduling of this room is primarily for Geoscience and Physics courses, with other requests considered where available. This classroom has six pods for teaching up to 30 students.
Available Services
Schedule an ALC for a semester-long course or a meeting.
Training on use of the ALC
Scheduling an ALC
Lampros Hall LP-201 Scheduling
Rachel Cox-Vineiz
For availability, search LP 201 in Google Calendar
ALC Training
Ty Naylor
IT Marketing and Training Manager