2009 Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities
Regular Interim Visit to Weber State University
Click here to view the complete 2009 Interim Report
Weber State University will host an evaluation committee from the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities (NWCCU) in Fall of 2009 for a "Regular Interim Visit" which means that it represents the five-year mid-point between our last "Full-Scale Visit" in 2004 and our next "Full-Scale" in 2014. The Regular Interim Visit will likely involve four off-campus visitors who may examine any issue that deals with NWCCU’s nine standards or twenty eligibility requirements, although much of their focus will likely be on the two recommendations made during the 2004 Full-Scale Visit.
Fall 2004 Recommendation 1:
The Commission recommends that the institution regularly and systematically assess the general education curriculum and document that assessment activities lead to improvement. Based on evidence from faculty, students, administration and the provided documentation, the Evaluation Committee was unable to verify regular and systematic assessment of the general education curriculum and that assessment activities have led to improvement (Standard 2.B and Policy 2.2 Educational Assessment).
Fall 2004 Recommendation 2:
The Commission recommends that clearly articulated policies and procedures for evaluating part-time and adjunct faculty be developed, distributed, implemented and assessed university-wide. The Commission additionally recommends that improvement be made in the mentoring of part-time faculty, as well as in expanding their professional development opportunities. The Evaluation Committee was unable to find sufficient evidence to verify that the institution systematically, regularly and across all units fulfills its obligation to evaluate the performance of part-time and adjunct faculty members; and was also unable to find evidence that the university provides for their development on a regular basis (Standard 4.A and Policy 4.1 Faculty Evaluation).
2007 Focused Interim Review