Professional Qualifications

Minimum Qualifications 

  • An earned doctorate from an accredited institution
  • A distinguished scholarly, teaching, and service record consistent with an appointment with tenure to the rank of professor
  • Experience at least commensurate with a dean position, including the management of finances, supervision of a diverse faculty and staff, oversight of curriculum, and handling of rank and tenure procedures

Preferred Qualifications 

  • A commitment to the values of WSU as a comprehensive public university, and the vision and wisdom to anticipate, understand, and react to the global, regional, and institutional challenges facing the implementation of those values
  • An active, energetic mind that can promote the intellectual life of the institution and a leadership style characterized by highly ethical practices
  • Excellent interpersonal, written, and oral communication skills
  • The ability to articulate the importance of equality, inclusion, and diversity to the broader educational mission of higher education institutions, and a track record of fostering a culture of inclusion, diversity, and equity
  • Experience working effectively with diverse faculty, staff, students, and community partners
  • A sustained commitment to shared governance, including working closely and collaboratively with both faculty and faculty representatives to fulfill university and departmental missions and objectives
  • Background managing the various components of college or university enrollments

Submit a confidential application.