Board of Trustees, Role of


     No. 1-2      Rev. 09-05-17          Date 4-20-77


PPM 1-1, Utah State Board of Higher Education, Role of
PPM 1-3, Board of Trustees Committees
PPM 1-5a, Officers of the University
PPM 1-5b, Selection of Vice Presidents
PPM 1-5c, Evaluation Procedures for Provost
PPM 1-13, Faculty Senate Constitution and Bylaws
PPM 1-16, Academic Deans
PPM 1-17, Appointment of Academic Deans
PPM 1-19, Appointment of Department Chairs
PPM 2-18, Intercollegiate Athletics
PPM 3-25, Faculty Sabbatical Leave
PPM 3-36a, Conflict of Interest/Board of Trustees
PPM 5-1, University Business Affairs
PPM 5-14, Investment of Public Funds
PPM 6-2, Admissions
PPM 6-11, Eligibility for Student Activities
PPM 8-10, Termination of Faculty Appointment
PPM 9-14, Disciplinary Actions


A. The Board of Trustees consists of ten persons. Eight are appointed by the Governor with the Senate's consent. The ninth is the president of the Alumni Association and the tenth is the president of the Weber State University Student Association.

B. The eight appointed members serve four-year terms, four expiring June 30 of each odd-numbered year (Section 19 (3), Higher Education Act). The other two members serve terms consistent with their terms as president of the Alumni Association and the Student Association.

C. The three principal sources of Board of Trustees authority are (a) statutes enacted by the State Legislature and (b) bylaws of the Utah State Board of Higher Education and (c) policies of Weber State University.

1. Statutory Powers

A. Facilitates communication between the institution and the community.

B. Assists in planning, implementing and executing fund-raising and development projects aimed at supplementing institutional appropriations.

C. Perpetuates and strengthens alumni and community identification with the institution's traditions and goals.

D. Selects recipients of honorary degrees.

E.  Effective Sept. 1, 2017, provides final approval of new academic program proposals that fall within WSU's institutional primary role, as described in Section 53B-16-101.

2. Bylaws of the Utah State Board of Regents

A.  Responsibilities assigned to the Board of Trustees via Board of Higher Education policies are summarized in Board of Higher Education Policy R220 - Checklist of Presidents' and Trustees' Responsibilities.

3. Policies of Weber State University

A.   Weber State University policies relating to Board of Trustees authority are listed in the reference section (Section 1) of this policy.