Agricultural Education

Agriculture is the nation’s largest employer, generating approximately 20% of our nation’s gross national product and 20% of our national employment. However, 10% of today’s professional jobs in agriculture go unfilled because of a lack of qualified graduates. As the demand increases for agricultural products, so does the demand for qualified individuals. Careers in agriculture include, but are not limited to:

  • Plant and Soil Science: Farmer, Geneticist, Soil and Water Specialist
  • Animal Science: Rancher, Veterinarian, Animal Nutritionist
  • Ornamental Horticulture: Golf Course Superintendent, Greenhouse/Nursery Operator
  • Natural Resources and Forestry: Range Management, Wildlife Management
  • Agricultural Mechanics: Mechanic, Technician, Welder/Machinist
  • Agriculture Business: Loan Officer, Sales, Feed/Seed/Supplies Store Owner/Operator