“Parent-Daughter Engineering Day” will be held on Feb. 25 at 9 a.m. in the Hurst Center for Lifelong Learning Center. The day is designed to spark the interest of 40 middle-school age girls and get them thinking like engineers.  

The parents and daughters will construct hydraulic cranes and engage in team-building exercises.

The organizers of the event hope it will inspire confidence in and nurture the girls’ engineering abilities by having them interact with successful female engineers, WSU faculty, staff and students. 

As part of the day’s events, award-winning author and biomedical engineer, Celeste Baine, will present “Growing Your Own Engineer.” The presentation will focus on parents supporting their daughters' interest in engineering.

COAST hosts the day as part of National Engineers Week.  The event is sponsored by the Office of Career and Technical Education through federal funding from the Carl D. Perkins Act of 2006.   
