Action by the University Ranking Tenure Evaluation Committee

No.  8-19a   Rev. 01-09-07      Date 10-10-00      




The University Ranking Tenure Evaluation Committee shall review the files of all candidates for advancement in rank or tenure who request it. Typically, such a request will be predicated by a disagreement in the recommendations among the Department Ranking Tenure Evaluation Committee, College Ranking Tenure Evaluation Committee or the Dean, although a candidate may request review by the University Committee even if there is no disagreement among the reviewers identified above.

In making tenure reviews, the University Committee shall review and evaluate the candidate's materials based on the tenure documents of the candidate's college.  In order to provide a context for their review, the University Committee shall have access, as needed, to the professional files submitted by candidates for promotion and tenure during the academic year from the candidate's college.

The University Committee chair shall inform the Provost in writing of the committee's evaluation and recommendations. The University Committee chair shall also send copies of the committee's evaluation and recommendations to the department chair, the dean and candidate. The dean shall place a copy of this report in the candidates' professional files along with a notice that the files are ready for review.

Committee recommendations for advancement in rank, for tenure, or for making favorable progress toward tenure shall require a majority vote of the total Committee membership. A quorum, for voting purposes, shall consist of five Committee members. Individual Committee members may issue a separate dissenting or concurring evaluation, which shall be forwarded to the provost, individual members and placed in the respective candidate's file.