Leaves of Absence Without Pay

No. 3-29 Rev. 08-08-06 Date

I. PURPOSE: To define the appropriate use of, and procedure for, leave without pay.


A. PPM 3-29a, Family and Medical Leave


A. Leave Without Pay (LWOP) - A temporary non-pay status and absence from work. In most instances, granting LWOP is a matter of administrative discretion. Request for leave without pay may include, but not be limited to (1) maternity; (2) extended sick leave; (3) extended vacation (4) educational leave; (5) political leave.

B. Long-Term LWOP - The use of leave without pay equal to, or in excess of, five days, but normally not more than one year.

C. Short-Term LWOP - The use of leave without pay less than five days (four days or less).


A. Long-Term Leave Without Pay

1. Long-term leave without pay (LWOP) may be granted to a salaried employee upon the recommendation of his/her department head, the dean, and the approval of the appropriate vice president.

2. Requests for such leave should be submitted in writing to the appropriate vice president, stating the purpose and expected period of absence.

3. The Payroll Department shall be notified immediately upon the award of a leave without pay, particularly if such leave is to begin early in a fiscal year so the payment of salary in advance of service rendered can be eliminated.

B. Short-Term Leave Without Pay may be granted to a salaried employee upon the approval of his/her department head.

C. Conditions for Leave Without Pay

1. The employee commits himself/herself to return to work at the end of the approved leave period.

2. The vacated position will be held open for a reasonable period of time, the duration of which depends on the workload and the nature of the specific job.

3. If a position must be filled, a position of comparable pay and status will be offered to the employee as soon as possible following his/her leave. Returning employees receive priority in hiring. If no position is available, the employee will be placed on a "lay off" status for the purposes of unemployment compensation.

4. Accrued vacation and sick leave will not be lost during such leave. However, vacation and sick leave credits will not accrue during periods of leave without pay.

5. If the position held has been abolished during the leave, the employee shall be given the same considerations as would have been granted had the employee been on pay status when the position was abolished.

D. Recording Leaves

1. A Payroll Action Request (PAR) form shall be submitted on all employees granted a long-term leave without pay, specifying applicable dates and justification.

2. The Employee Absence Report form shall be submitted to document short-term leave without pay, specifying applicable dates and hours.

E. Benefits

With the exception of salary indemnity benefits, insurance protection may continue uninterrupted through the payment of insurance premiums directly to the insurance company by the employee.